Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Trick Is
I would show you all the knitting that I have done, but sekrit xmas stuff is going on here. Hopefully, I will remember to take pictures upon delivery.
So, that makes this entry preeeetty boring.
Kid updates- Eldest is having trouble delivering important papers to school, unless it involves him getting tickets for lunch.
INBA is still insisting that he cannot read and refuses to do so. But he can read, he just doesn't enjoy it as much as his brother does and has to work a little harder. How do I get it thru to him that he is not his brother and to expect himself to be his brother is not helping anyone?
Lil'onE is growing like a weed. She is very vocal, loves to make raspberries (wow, that girl has a lot of saliva) and likes to rub things between her finger and thumb.
Life is hectic... Happy Holidaze!
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
It's All Fun and Games...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Matchy Match
And I worry that she is going to be a peas-on-the-wall girl.
Ok, that doesn't sound good. But look at the arm going and the splatter on the face!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
A Walk on History
Monday, September 07, 2009
Last of Summer
I am a purist. I love the old wooden roller coasters. The Blue Streak was awesome.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Where Has the Summer Gone?
Doesn't he look proud?
And then the 4th month was gone...
I want to be a baby. Everyone thinks her fleshy thighs are cute.
Oh, and about the llama. Filthy. Filthy. And I think I am allergic. It makes my eyes itch and my nose itch and sneezy and...
The Mister says I just need to wash it more. Perhaps. The problem is getting from one side of that to the other. Not really a journey I am looking to make.
It is truly unfortunate, too. The fiber is a beautiful silver and charcoal grey. It would blend beautifully with my fleece.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I put it in for a second soapy bath, I cannot believe that the first one really got all the dirt out. I will let you know how it ends up.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I Can't Believe That I Forgot to Tell YOU!
Make It Special
Monday, July 20, 2009
Happy Days
We had lunch at Mitchells and a walk around the Galleria on Saturday to celebrate.
by the by... The Mister wasn't impressed with my Gymboree bag, but INBA loved the dogs.
I didn't get her anything off her birthday list, but I think she feels appreciated anyway.
We agreed that it wasn't safe for me to be going to the movies with her, seeing how last year after a birthday celebration that included "Mama Mia," The Mister took advantage of my "no one's going to call me when I am old blues" and gave me a daughter...
Who is 3 months old today!
super trooper....hmm mm hmmmhmm.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Mixing of Emotions
My emotions are jumbly because my friend Shizuko from Long Beach, CA is coming to visit for a couple of days on her way West. She and her family have been on a cross country road trip and are coming up Pittsburgh way to visit us.
Shizuko is one of those friends that you meet (at a park near our house, one random afternoon) and start talking because the boys are playing so well together. I didn't think that we would have anything to say or in common because we come from very different backgrounds. But then, we are instant friends. We laugh, we are quite alike with much to share from our different experiences, and it feels like we had been friends forever almost from the beginning. It is wonderful, because even if we don't speak for any amount of time, we take right back up as if it were yesterday. She is really a blessing to me. And she was one of a gajillion reasons that I didn't want to leave California.
So, I am jumbly because I know that I am going to be really sad when she leaves. I am sad just thinking about how happy I am that I will get to see her tomorrow.
Pretty messed up.
I'll blame it on postpartum hormones.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Old and New
How about a cheer for unseasonably cool summer days?
When did they get so big? *sigh*
They celebrated independence day by playing with Diet Coke and Mentos. INBA told me today that it was the best 4th of July he ever had. *aww* The Mister walked the boys up to the corner (about 1/2 mile) to watch the township fireworks. Lil'one and I watched the fireworks in DC and then the recap of the ones downtown.
Plenty of activity around here to keep us cruising thru our days.
I am still struggling to find balance between all 3 and me.
I really got used to having a little down time to myself and I am afraid that stealing that anymore means aggravating the sleep deprivation. But, when you need a couple hours of quiet creative time, you need it.
I'll sleep when I'm dead.
Dead tired.
That may be tomorrow...
Monday, June 29, 2009
10 weeks-ish
Up Hill All the Way.
I walked the boys to summer playground this morning at the Middle School that is near our house. OMG, it was all up hill. I knew my road was, but I didn't realize that the crossroad was, too! Thank goodness it was only 64 degrees this morning. I had Lil'one in the bjorn and was feeling every pound on my postpartum body.
I guess if you aren't from Pittsburgh (not that I am, either, let's be clear) you don't realize that the "up hill, both ways, in the snow," is talking about the 'burgh and the goat paths they paved to make roads in terrain that no one in their right mind would have thought would be a good place to build a city. I guess, to be fair, the triangle is pretty flat. But Mt. Washington is on other side of the river! Duh.
Anyway, I sweat.
Back on the Ranch
I want to card some fleece.
Just to card some fleece, it isn't like I have time to do anything else with it.
So I cleaned the bathroom and swept the family room and tried to dust. The blue handle has gone missing for the swiffer duster. So, that was a little hard.
Now, my penance is done, and Lil'one took a big poo and wants to eat.
I shoulda played first.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
A Glimpse
And a family picture. (Thanks, K)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Nothing to Show
Eldest turns 9 this week. Yes, I said 9 years old. He is having a party at the park this weekend and is quite excited.
School is out on Friday. With the few camps and activities that we have planned, summer feels like it is half gone. Lil'one can't stand the car, so it will be late summer, if at all, before we do any kind of car trip. Which is ok with me, I don't care to be in the car for more than 2 hours, anyway.
I cannot believe how the days have flown and I have nothing to share.
Must be the Momnesia.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sneak It In
Monday, April 20, 2009
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
That Worked
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Ignore the Silence
The new addition will be pushing back my self indulgence another 8 years or so, but I can be patient... mostly.
We are in the worst part of the whole ordeal. Ok, I am in the worst part of the whole ordeal. So uncomfortable. And my ankles are just gross. But enough about the last weeks of Pregnancy.
Baby Girl's all set up. The diapers and onesies are washed and the crib is made up and the coming home outfit is in the bag. I actually packed my hospital bag 2 days ago. I feel better being a little bit prepared, finally. hee-hee.
It certainly satisfied the need to knit a baptism outfit. I still think it would have been nice to do so, but only if I had thought of it much earlier. Maybe for a grandbaby, someday.
Knit Night ladies bestowed the lil'one with handknits last Friday. I haven't taken any pics of the goodies yet. I am hoping that CQ or Laurie will email me pictures (HUGE HINT) that they took of the event.
Needless to say, I run with a fabulously talented crowd. She has several cardigans, ranging from Stacey's first baby cardigan to Laurie's Tulip (oh, how I want a matching one for me!! I may just have to accidentally stop in at Bloomin' Yarns tomorrow!!) to an ensemble from CQ of bonnet, jumper and cardi of spring green and purple pansies (Dale of Norway pattern, I bet, so gorgeous.) Not to mention a blanket with coordinating bonnet from Janice and the sweetest ruffled-bum romper from Stephanie. And we certainly cannot wrap up a recap without mentioning the amazing blanket that everyone made. Laurie took my sock leftovers from me one day a while ago. She and many other lovely knitters took those little balls to make octagons which were then sewn together and DPUtiger Amy is now attaching to a backing to create, quite probably, the best baby gift ever. Talk about taking a village!
I am truely humbled by the outpouring of friendship, generosity and good wishes that I have received in the last few months as we all anticipate the arrival of the newest Mayhem.
How does that go?
Home is where you make it.
Bloom where you are planted.
However you want to say, it is a beautiful thing.