Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!!

I hope it is peaceful and prosperous for us all.

The boys go back to school on the 3rd. It will be nice to have a routine again. We have all enjoyed and had our fill of lounging around and playing games. The Mister dismantled the tree and boxed up all the bric-a-brac this afternoon. The house feels a bit naked. But the boys quickly spread the trains around the living room- INBA recieved yet another train set for Christmas, this one Geotrax- they have that and the blue track Thomas sets intermingled in there.
The New Year's pork roast is braising in the oven. The house smells like cabbage and dark beer. I use the 'braised pork and sauerkraut' recipe from the "Joy of Cooking" and Yuengling Black and Tan. YUM. We had our New Year's Eve Pretzel last night, a "tradition" that I just learned about this year... and will very much be a tradition from now on! I think I will make a braid of this recipe for Easter, too. SO GOOD!

As for the rest of this year... I suppose I will continue to strive to be a loving mother and wife and friend. For knitting aspirations, I will figure out a way to make a sock that fits the Mister nicely (darn skinny ankles!) I hope to be healed enought to finish the Bauhaus Fair Isle for him, too. And just so it isn't all about him (imagine!) I would like to make myself something, too. If I don't find a sweater to fall in love with... the "Cape Collar Jacket" in the Winter 07/08 Vogue Knitting (they don't have it to preview on the website, phooey)that just came yesterday might be one to, though... maybe a beautiful lace shawl-like the dark blue beaded diamond one in the middle of the top row. For the boys, I have a vest 2/3 done for Eldest in school color purple. I have some red pepper swish superwash for a vest for INBA, next.

I have plenty of FO's to show, but the camera is AWOL at the moment, hiding in the car, I think. So I will save the deluge of pictures for another day.

And don't forget that Chez Mayhem celebrates Rock Day (St. Distaff's Day) next Sunday at 1pm! Partly work and partly play....

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