Monday, April 03, 2006

Busy Weekend

Bag Lady Strikes Again.

I made a bag yesterday. It really wasn't so bad once I made that first snip. Then it was just another piece of cotton. More pictures are here. I am torn about the gifting of this bag. I really, really like it.
While rummaging through my stash, I found some really lovely brocade remnants. Gold with a leaf motif and another lighter gold with a chrysanthemum motif. Yum. Only about 1/2 yard each. Hmm. What to do. I have them laying on the ironing board. We'll see.
So, doing a bit of sewing has given me new appreciation for my sewing and my knitting. I think I took for granted the wonder that is my sewing machine before I began knitting. I said before that I look at my socks in a whole new way once I invest many hours in creating them. I guess when I could whip up a bag or pajamas or whatever in a relative wink, it didn't feel like it meant as much. Honestly, I was sloppy and accepted a lot that was easy to remedy because I was lazy and didn't feel like it was worth my time to fix a mistake. Granted I am not a perfectionist, but I really left some of my sewing projects with substandard finishing, even by my own standards.

I was really proud of myself this morning when I ripped out the tab for the closure to this bag. I hadn't given it any batting, it needed some strength and continuity with the rest of the bag. I didn't like the way I put the snap on or the way the button looked that I used to try and hide it. I didn't like the length of the tab. It was just lacking. I could have left it and it would have been ok. But I ripped it out, cut it off, gave it some bat, edge stitched it and then re-applied it. Then, I was dissatisfied with some of my topstitching and I even ripped and re-did that! It took all of 10 minutes, maybe. Now I really like the bag and I am not sure that I will be able to give it away. Hmm.

I think it is the knitting. I have hardly given away anything that I have knit compared to what I have sewn over the years. While I think that it is good that I am finally doing some things for myself, I think it is more about the investment of time that I have a hard time giving away. This is probably a bigger issue than I want to think about this morning. Either way, it gives me a new respect for and allows me to give more value to my sewing. It is worth my time to create something just the way it needs to be finished, it really doesn't take long with the technology at my disposal. It is worth my effort and care to create and give a gift of my talent. Even if I did use a mechanical marvel to do it, the gift is still meaningful and original and unique.

Sick Kid

Even though I am having such an affirming moment, my baby (not a baby anymore) is sick. He slept late, I thought it was the time change. He asked for a toasted english muffin and some milk. I went to take my shower and when I emerged, I found him in bed. He said he needed some rest. He did eat most of his muffin, and he isn't particularly warm, so I am not really worried, just amazed that he climbed back into bed. God Bless him.

1 comment:

LaurieG said...

Great bag! And I'm impressed with the sewing -- It's something I haven't been able to master myself.