Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Wow, has it really been a week already? The weather did indeed turn a bit chilly, there was a frost overnight, and it has been in the mid forties all week. brrr. When is it going to be 70 again? Spring is in full bloom and the mild weather has allowed all the trees and bulbs to show off their full glory. This does nothing for the allergies, of course, but it sure is pretty.

This is what we did with our weekend. Eldest made his First Holy Communion on Sunday.
We are very proud of him. He was very excited.
Grandma took the family picture.
So much for digital.

And this weekend is Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. I am so super excited that I don't even know what to do with myself. I am on the Knit One bus along with my friend Ms.A, whom I taught to knit and is now on fire!! I don't know who else is on the bus for sure, I know some who were thinking of it. I will try to remember and bring the camera. :)

Oh, and I finished the Cherry Calfuti BFF Socks last night. FINALLY! But thanks to Ravelry (love that site) I see that I only started them March 30. I guess because I have been working a pair of socks in the same pattern for INBA it feels like an eternity. Note to Self- don't work on two pairs of the same pattern at the same time. That and I was distracted for about a week by... you know. His second is turning a heel, I will finish them by the weekend, I think. Then I will be done with BFF and distracted by MSW goodies. *squeeee*


LaurieG said...

Sorry I missed it. Work, sick, you know. I'd whine some more about it, but you know. See you on SATURDAY!

Sarah said...

Have fun at MDS&W! I really wanted to go this year but just couldn't swing it budget-wise (I did buy a wheel this year, so I guess that was my splurge for the year).