Friday, May 02, 2008


I need to get to bed. I am being picked up at 5:10 am! What?!?! The bus to Maryland leaves at 6am and we have a good 25 minute drive to get there. YIPPEE. I hope I am not so excited that I will be disappointed.

Here's a little more excitement.

My Nephew's father became a Naturalized American Citizen this morning. How cool is that? Nephew turned 12 in February.


Then, for a little not-so-exciting. My Uncle turned 54 yesterday and today had a triple bypass. Yikes. Please keep Uncle Charley in your good thoughts or vibes or prayers or whatever you do. Eldest would have been named after this Uncle if The Mister's sister hadn't named her son Charles 18 months before Eldest was born. Eldest would have been a good Charley. But he is a good Eldest, too.

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