Monday, January 03, 2011

First FO of 2011

Say Hello to the Car Socks of the last 2 months or so.
They are nearly identical and mismatched.
How, You say? How can such lovely socks be mismatched?
Check out the toes.
Hmm. They both have toes.
Yes. One is a wedge the other is a star.
Oops.I had been petering along so long with these that I forgot that I decided to get fancy (aka do the not all the time the same toe.) And I never bothered to look at the first one when it came time to finish the second! That and it was dark in "The King's Speech."
Which, by the way, is a really good movie. Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush are fantastic actors.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

I like the not-so-mathchiness, especially cause of the colorway, it just works. I also love me some Colin Firth...sigh...