Sunday, January 29, 2006

One Bad Aunt

But I did it!

Was it conspicuous? The silence, that is. I didn't mention how little Miss M's doll dress was coming along for a while, now. Well, that is because I am a bad aunt. But I needed a serious block of time to devote to getting it done (can you hear the whine?) Since I needed a break from my loving family, I finally took that block of time and finished, ta-da, the dress and panties.

I keep thinking to myself how much cheaper and easier and quicker and on-time it would have been if I had just picked up that little box of bunting that I saw in the toy aisle before Christmas... but I assure you, it was no where near this cute. So this is as much for me as it is little Miss M. She will like to have 3 layers for her doll and I get to do ruffles in rayon. I still feel bad that I am a month late. Bad Aunt.

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